Two’s Company… Three’s a crowd?

Blog Three

Last week my two wheeled bicycle adventure around Edenvale went well, however three wheels may be a crowd. My friend Jen said it’s a good idea, it’s gonna be fun she said, trust me she said… and I did. Wheeling the trike out onto the street filled with autumn leaves sounded like a good idea but after her boyfriend showed me how it was really done, zooming down the street and doing “handbrake” looking turns into cushions of crispy leaves, I boarded the go-kart looking vehicle and froze in one position long enough for a photograph… moved a few millimetres forward and decided it was enough adventure for one day… so I got to see a beautiful view of an autumn strewed Rand Park Ridge street and that’s about it for this week… clearly I’m not doing the 94.7 cycle challenge on a trike… or at all.